Trailing cable powered rail flat trolley cart
Trailing cable powered rail flat trolley cart:According to the requirements of Party A, the power supply system adopts the method of tow cable to supply power, which is used outdoors in the factory and transports large equipment of 20 tons.
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Trailing cable powered rail flat trolley cart
Customer Profile: Henan Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is the largest professional HVAC company in the fields of civil heating, tall space plant heating, and HVAC, which integrates R&D, production, sales and service. It is also the only domestic company that can provide customers with Diversified products.
The product parameters of the rail flat trolley cart are as follows:
Load capacity: BTL-20T
Table size: 3500*2000*500
Power supply mode: drag cable power supply
Special requirements: none
Brief description of the project: According to the requirements of Party A, the power supply system adopts the method of tow cable to supply power, which is used outdoors in the factory and transports large equipment of 20 tons.