Flowline AGV automation flat carriage security protection

The imported laser safety sensor (detection range 0~270 degrees, detection distance 0~3m adjustable) constitutes a safety protection device to ensure safe operation. The brake of the obstacle is de...

The imported laser safety sensor (detection range 0~270 degrees, detection distance 0~3m adjustable) constitutes a safety protection device to ensure safe operation. The brake of the obstacle is detected within the range of 0.2 to 0.5 meters. When it is detected that the obstacle enters the safety warning area, the flowline AGV automation flat carriage.The safety edge and safety bumper are flexible, bendable strips that are typically attached to the front and rear edges of the AGV. In the case of a heavy protection failure, if the AGV hits an obstacle, the car will immediately stop running under the action of the mechanical anti-collision mechanism.decelerates and raises a warning sound; when it detects that the obstacle enters the dangerous area, the AGV automatically stops, and the obstacle automatically moves back after the removal. The flowline AGV automation flat carriage features off-line protection and off-track automatic correction.

  The emergency stop button is usually a red button that is installed in front of or behind the AGV. If an emergency occurs, press the emergency stop button on the AGV body to stop the AGV immediately. The turn signals on both sides of the flowline AGV automation flat carriage flash and the stop light is on. If you want to resume the normal operation of the AGV, first release the emergency stop button, then press the start button to resume the normal operation of the AGV.

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