35 Tons Injection Mold Transfer Trolley
35 Tons Injection Mold Transfer Trolley
The 35 Tons Injection Mold Transfer Trolley Is Powered By Free Maintenance Lead-Acid Battery That Is Very Easy To Operation And Environmentally-Friendly. Die Mold Handling Multidirectional Automated Turning Steerable Trackless Transfer Cart Is One Of Our Common And Mature Product, Which Is Customized As Per Customers’ True Demand. Such As Power Supply, Operation System, Control System, Rail Or No Rail, Steerable, Wheelstype, Cart Frame Structure And So On, And Then Provide Proper Solution To You.
Product Advantages:
1. Trackless Transfer Cars Can Meet The Needs Of Different Turning Directions.
2. It Can Satisfy Free Left-Right Steering And 360-Degree In-Situ Rotation
3. The Trackless Transfer Cars Can Be Equipped With An Optional Human Encounter Detectiondevice, Which Can Detect Obstacles Or People In The Running Direction In Time Andautomatically Control The Cart To Stop.